• We design communication strategies and contents involving Social and Environmental Responsibility for brands and organizations that are exploring new challenges.

    We generate contents based on sustainable values and integrating processes in internal and external communications that streamline cultural changes toward sustainability.

    We work to re-create the value of organizations, reassessing their singularity, while reinforcing their DNA.

    We make human sense of business.


  • Our Services
    > Strategic Planning
    Defining the organization’s DNA, its strengths and weakness, reassessing its singularities and hidden values; designing creative communications plans and strategically allocating resources to better pursue its goals.

     How we do it
    We build ad hoc teams on a per-project basis, prioritizing creative visions and articulating areas of interest
    NGOs, Architects, Artists, Fashion Designers, Photographers, Sociologists, Sustainability managers, Business DNA, WEB2.0, Brandstreaming managers, Creative, Cool Hunters, Social Communicators, Film Makers…


  • Our Services
    > Innovative communication strategies and contents for an Era of Sustainability
    Contents and creative communications strategies. Social and sustainable communications initiatives aimed at bringing key audiences together.
    Communications tools and materials: corporate image,visual communication and brandstreaming.

    How we do it
    We use:
    Natural elements as raw materials, recycling as a leveraging tool for awareness, artists and their creativity as driving forces, and society as our field of operations. We build strategic alliances that bring together the social sector, the business sector and the world of the arts.
    We build on emotions and experiences as catalysts.


  • Our Services
    > Employee engagement
    Designing and setting in motion processes and internal communications strategies that foster both emotional and intellectual employee commitment, boosting and nurturing their passion for accomplishing a mission, and for the organization’s vision.

    How we do it
    Sustainable Strategic Management
    Reassessing and designing processes leading to economically competitive, and socially and environmentally responsible strategies.


  • Our Services
    > Dynamizing Internal Creativity
    Hands-on workshops that foster creativity; forums and transformational experiences.

    How we do it
    We recreate a CONTRAMUNDO within the company or organization
    We assist in building teams that participate actively and passionately in designing and setting in motion a project, creating an inspiring environment and experiences that encourage commitment, by lining up their personal and professional interests.

  • Our Services
    > Bridge Building
    Strategic and synergetic alliances with companies, non-profit organizations and institutions aimed at enhancing the impact of communications strategies, penetrating new markets and developing new businesses between Europe and South America.

    How we do it
    > Strengthening Community Ties
    Innovative strategies aimed at strengthening relationships with the communities where organizations operate, by developing long-term partnerships and creative cooperative initiatives.


  • Our Services
    > Managing environmental conflicts
    A multi-stakeholder participatory process that encourages problem-solving in a proactive and collaborative manner, outside the court system.

    How we do it
    > We emphasize on listening
    The interests of all stakeholders are represented appropriately so that all parties involved arrive to shared commitments and responsibilities.


  • Our Services
    > Personalized E- Service
    An accessible interactive and participative reporting service that allows stakeholders to assess the organization’s initiatives and see first-hand its commitment to sustainability and the community, while sharing views and contributing ideas.

    How we do it
    > We viralize
    We develop state of the art applications and offer our clients the services of our teams of Brandstreaming managers and designers.


  • Benefits
    Communications based on Social and Environmental Responsibility contribute differential value.

    > Products, brands and organizations perform better.

    > A positive working environment, since employees feel a deep connection with the organization and a clear commitment towards achieving its goals.

    > Measurable social and environmental benefits.

    > The building of a business with the capacity to respond to and lead in a changing world.